Wednesday, 28 October 2009

Words From my Thesaurus

words from my thesaurus:








In the Chaos of my heart

I find a Cultured pearl, embedded.

Coating the shard that would Lacerate my flesh

An apparition of my old self sits as a shadow under my current state

Random particles of energy float through the air, they create rainbow swirls as they pass

the camel, a mostly taciturn animal, finds expression through expectorating at those of us it chooses to disdain
the pessimist lives with a permanent dread of what the future holds ( perhaps a spitting camel)

Monday, 26 October 2009


My mouth has a slippery tongue
In one corner it is British
In the other it is Kiwi
In the middle a shifting
Hybrid of the two
My mouth has a slippery tongue


Sunday, 25 October 2009

The middle of the night and SADS

I don't know about you, but I find listening to music seems to stimulate my brain for writing.
especially if it's at night.
The middle of the night is when the words come, and if I don't write them down quickly they just disappear. It's quite frustrating sometimes. I lose lines that I really liked the sound of all the time.

I feel rotten
If I open my mouth
my teeth will fall out
I have this dark lipstick slashed across my mouth
it stands out on my face
like blood
my face glowing white
A little melancholy I know, it's from my college days when I was 19. I believe I was feeling this way because my hostel room was far to dark and I was suffering from SADS. It was pretty dingy in there. Yuk.

A Mouth Full of Kiwi

My man he got a mouth full of kiwi
he didn't like it
he rolled me under his tongue
chewed me up
then spat me out
bad taste in his mouth
he said I was rotten

Hello and welcome to anyone out there who accidentally bumps into this blog.

I have created this site for myself really, it will be a place where I can air out my thoughts and write out my 'could do better' poetry.

Over the years with irregular gaps in between, I have written out things into a little book which I have never shown to anyone except my best friend, because the stuff in there felt like part of me and left me exposed.

I'm not the kind of person who lets people in easily and I'm not good at sharing my feelings or thoughts with people. Except the superficial stuff.

That's why I say this blog is for me, I've always secretly wanted to see my stuff printed out, and this is the next best thing, so, let's see what happens.