Friday, 7 January 2011

to the inventor of flatpacks

I curse you with broken threads,
                                             8 screws where there should be 9,
I curse you with broken fingernails,
                                             and burst tempers
I curse you with the frustration and outrage
                                             of a million customers forced to pay for the privilege of assembling their      purchases 
I curse you with an engulfing tidal wave of disappointment
                                             and dashed hopes of a beautiful table gone wrong
I curse you with an avalanche of plastic bags
                                             filled with ellen keys and useless bendy spanners


  1. set up went a bit wrong on that one, should be ten lines but my blog obviously couldn't fit it in

  2. I really like this! Being 'untrained' I'm scared of trying poems with offset lines.. if that's even what you call 'em! But this works really - the visual sense of things trying to fit together but not quite making it echo the subject matter beautifully.

    As I always say - Ikea flatpacks come in three kinds: beech, birch and botch! 8-D

  3. thanks! It was a suggested exercise in a poetry podcast I found - to write a poem with each line beginning with 'I curse you with'
    I didn't learn anything much at all at school about poetry, and I'm just starting to read up on form and meter etc now.
    Your Zombie Wombles was brilliant, I'd love to be able to write stuff like that :)
